Romsey Methodist Church embarked on their Eco Church journey a few months after completing a major building modernisation project that included stripping out organ, pews and heating, and installing energy-efficient heating and lighting with enhanced insulation. They carried out their initial Eco Church assessment at the weekly coffee morning, where the online survey was projected on to the wall for everyone to see. They really appreciated the fact that what they were already doing to care for God’s earth was valued highly within the Eco Church framework. Having gained an Eco Church Bronze Award, Romsey Methodist Church is now working towards Silver! Among their plans for future action are: enhanced guidance for members on caring for creation via church news sheets and magazines; hosting events for other churches and for the wider community; to incorporate more regular prayer and worship elements centred on caring for the environment; and to further improve the building stock by refurbishing the remaining areas of the church building and modernising the lighting in the manse.