This year join with thousands of churches around the world celebrating Creation Time and hold a Green Communion.

Bishop of Salisbury the Right Reverend Nicholas Holtam, celebrating Green Communion 2017
What is a Green Communion?
Green Communion is a communion service that celebrates the wonder of God’s earth. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude for it through songs, prayers and praise and to recognise our responsibility to care for it.

Foxearth Meadows
How to hold a Green Communion
1) Choose a Sunday in September
2) Decide how you would like to make your communion ‘green’. You could use:
- songs that celebrate the wonder of nature
- prayers for God’s earth
- our Green Communion liturgy
- a talk about the biblical command to care for the earth.
3) Try to find organic, locally sourced bread and wine or use a green altar cloth (a simple piece of green fabric will do) and decorate your church with natural abundance. Our resources provide lots of ideas and materials for you to choose from.
4) Take some photographs of your event and send them to us