St Peter’s Church, Alton – Eco Project with the local cubs group

St Peter’s Church, Alton, achieved their silver award in September 2021. They shared the following story with us:

We’ve had some very good engagement with the local cubs, who have taken on an Eco Project for the land in our graveyard. They have created display boards of their ideas to improve the churchyard for wildlife and the public use of the space.
There were some common themes running through their ideas:
– Planting more flowers and fruit in the churchyard to attract insects, birds, other animals, and people
– Providing more homes for the bugs and mini-beasts that the fruit and flowers attract in
– Providing homes for larger animals like hedgehogs
– Having a pond for frogs, newts, toads, and all the other interesting pond wildlife

See the photos below for how they developed their ideas and the final display boards they produced, which are now on display in the church.