St Stephen’s Church in Ealing has long been passionate about caring for God’s world. Eco Church provided them with a very good assessment tool to see what they were doing already and to make good plans for progress on other things to be addressed in the future. They set up five separate teams of people to complete each of the five sections of the online Eco Survey. The process generated much enthusiasm and involvement, which spilled out to others Taking small steps was very encouraging and allayed fears that large amounts of money would need to be spent straight away. The church has, however, been saving towards a project to upgrade its toilets and drains to required standards, and the roof is scheduled for greater insulation in due course. Having achieved a Bronze Award, St Stephen’s has learned the importance of making action to care for the environment fun, engaging and rewarding. They know it is not always wise to expect change quickly, but to set realistic targets, to pray and to hope! With that in mind they are embarking on work towards an Eco Church Silver Award!
St Stephen’s, Ealing