A combination of Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and A Rocha founder Peter Harris’s books alerted the three churches of the Parish of Baildon (St John’s, St James’s and St Hugh’s) to the need for Christians to be responsible stewards of God’s earth. Using the online Eco Church survey helped them understand their strengths and weakness in regard to caring for God’s earth, and to establish priorities for action. By way of working towards their Bronze Award the churches held Eco Days to which they invited other environmental groups in their area. Together they hosted a variety of stalls and provided activities for children, along with refreshments. They supported the British Beekeepers Association’s ‘Adopt a Beehive’ scheme, have helped with Swan Rescue, and supported a Fairtrade initiative to assist farmers in Africa. With three church buildings in the parish, implementing environmental improvements presented quite a challenge financially. However, with sustained effort they were able gradually to install double-glazing, LED lights and more efficient boilers. Working together towards an Eco Church Award has made the parish aware of the beauty of creation, and of how their buildings and gardens can be a sign to the surrounding community of the importance of caring for the environment.
The Parish of Baildon