Eco Circuit
The Methodist Church has worked with A Rocha UK to develop Eco Circuit. In March 2019, Methodist President, Revd Michaela Youngson, commended the Eco Church award scheme and the adoption of Eco Circuit by the Methodist Church.
The award affirms the Circuit’s attention to the care of God’s creation and encourages the adoption of Eco Church by churches in the area. At present, the criteria for applying for a Bronze Eco Circuit award is available below, and we are working on the criteria for silver, which will be added to this page in due course.
Please note, if you are looking to register your church as an Eco Church, please click here to do so.
Eco Circuit status will be given to your Circuit when it has:
Registered its intent to become an Eco Circuit
Please use the registration form here.
Commissioned an individual or group to coordinate progress within the Circuit
To encourage and report on progress within the Circuit.
Written an environmental policy
This should include, where appropriate, points on travel, the environmental performance of Manses (re: Methodist Church standing order guidelines on Energy Performance Certificates) and a commitment to reducing carbon emissions
Gained the appropriate levels of local church registrations and Awards for Eco Church
Circuits of 1 to 10 churches
Bronze Eco Circuit: at least 15% of local churches awarded
Silver Eco Circuit: at least 30% of local churches awarded
Gold Eco Circuit: at least 60% of local churches awardedCircuits of 11 to 100 churches
Bronze Eco Circuit: at least 10% of local churches awarded
Silver Eco Circuit: at least 20% of local churches awarded
Gold Eco Circuit: at least 40% of local churches awardedCircuits of over 100 churches
Bronze Eco Circuit: at least 10% of churches registered and 5% of churches awarded an Eco Church/Eco Congregation award
Silver Eco Circuit: at least 20% of churches registered and 10% of churches awarded an Eco Church/Eco Congregation award
Gold Eco Circuit: at least 30% of churches registered and 20% of churches awarded an Eco Church/Eco Congregation awardAchieve the relevant award for Circuit House / Office (where appropriate) and land (where appropriate)
In the Buildings category for its Circuit offices (where appropriate) and Land (where appropriate)
Embedded environmental issues in ongoing training
Have sought to ensure that environmental issues are embedded within the curricula of ongoing presbyterial and local preacher education and support (1)
Managed Circuit investments ethically
With due consideration to the environmental implications / opportunities of such investments, taking into account the climate change investment policy of the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church. (2)
Worked with other Circuits and or faith groups
To encourage greater environmental action, including promoting Eco Church as a helpful tool
Established the habit of recording and celebrating individual environmental initiatives
To register your intent to work towards Eco Circuit status, please complete the online registration form here.
After completing the registration webform you will be sent a link to a blank commitment certificate for you to download and complete. This shows you have registered with A Rocha UK and that you are working towards an Eco Circuit status. This commitment certificate should be signed by your Circuit Superintendent and Environment Lead or equivalent. Please email a copy of your completed commitment certificate to
You can print and display a copy in your Circuit office, as appropriate, to highlight that you are a registered Eco Circuit.
When your Circuit has fulfilled these criteria (check list here), you can apply for your Bronze Eco Circuit Award by completing the application form here.
1. For example, by ensuring that local preachers have access to materials to support theological reflection on our care for God’s creation. See the Methodist church Worship: Leading & Preaching course, Singing the Faith Plus, and Eco Church “Worship and Teaching” resources.
2. Where there are circuit and district reserves under investment, these are frequently invested through the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church. The districts and circuits should be aware of the potential for positive investment to encourage a transition to a sustainable global ecology and the Churches’ role in this respect. The Green Investment Declaration is a tool kit to enable church institutions, such as districts and circuits, to not just have an impact through their investments but, through speaking publicly about it. Becoming signatory to this Declaration is a clear way to demonstrate your fulfilment of this section of the criteria.