Buildings and Energy resources

While ‘church’ is not the building we meet in, for many of us our corporate worship and activities happen in a building(s), and our use of these spaces is what generates the most significant aspect of our energy emissions. 

Most denominations have now set a target date for achieving net zero carbon emissions, and the UK government has targets of 77% reduction on 1990 emissions by 2035, and net zero carbon by 2050. This survey category focuses on reducing carbon emissions from your building(s) and energy use and how we might use these spaces better in a changing climate. 

There are 3 pathways through the ‘Buildings and energy’ category of the survey. Please identify which pathway to follow by choosing a pathway for your building(s) which on balance best fits your situation. Please include all the buildings you own, manage or use.

  • Pathway 1: Cathedrals and churches which are used regularly (at least weekly) and have energy and water supplies.
  • Pathway 2: Small, intermittently used churches, including those without energy or water supplies.
  • Pathway 3: Churches without their own building (e.g. those that meet in rented space or outdoors).

You might like to get started by reading the Buildings and Energy overview and taking a look at the Buildings and Energy survey questions.

Environmental Policy examples
Please download, adapt and amend an example SIMPLE or DETAILED  Environmental Policy according to your particular church situation and context.

Simple Environmental Policy and Action Plan Example

Further information for very large church buildings

Creating an Environmental Policy and Net Zero Action plan

Detailed Environmental Policy and Action Plan Example
Experiencing problems? The Chrome browser blocks some file types including Word documents and Zip files. We have provided these templates in PDF format and the file should open in a new browser tab. You may need to copy and paste the text into a new blank Word file to be able to edit and add your content.